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About Us
Mission of McGregor Historical Society
Working in the interests of the McGregor Museum, the Board Members serve to build organizational capacity, advocate and heighten awareness of the Museum and its assets, and foster community.
Our People
Board of Directors
Patti Ruff, President
Audrey Posten, Vice President
Alissa Ruff, Treasurer
Elise Martins, Secretary
John (Corky) Bickel, PGNI Chair
Dale Crozier, Building Committee Chair
Christina (Pleggenkuhle) Dollhausen, Marketing Committee Chair
Karen Erger
Keith Garms
Brian Hedeman
Bonnie Bickel James
Joel Lustre
Michelle Pettit
Mel Wild, Finance/Fundraising Committee and Interior/Exhibit Committee Chair
Susan Snow, Advisor
Brandi Crozier, City Liaison
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